As further evidence of my continued inability to say "No!" to good things, I have agreed to be part of a team of bloggers at
The Twelve, a collaborative blog hosted by the good folks at
Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought. It's a diverse team of--you guessed it!--12 bloggers with different styles and interests coming from various vocations (pastors, artists, scholars) but all identifying with Reformed traditions. (Which of us is Judas remains to be seen! ;-) I hope you'll consider adding it to your RSS feeds and such.
My first post begins a little series that will look at Saul Bellow's recently published essay, "The Jewish Writer in America"--which raises some interesting parallels for Reformed folk in a North American context (with obvious differences as well).
On a related note: watch for the release of
The Best of the Reformed Journal, a compilation of some of the landmark essays that appeared in the predecessor to