On Pentecost Sunday, from my temporary rooms at
Trinity College of the University of Toronto, I dispatched the manuscript for a second, revised edition of my first book,
The Fall of Interpretation: Philosophical Foundations for a Creational Hermeneutic, which will be published by Baker Academic. As I note in the new Preface to the book, that temporal and spatial nexus was a little treat of providence for me, since
The Fall of Interpretation was first conceived as my master's thesis at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto, and the book advanced a "creational-pneumatic hermeneutic" that owed a Pentecostal debt.
I'm grateful for the opportunity this new edition provides to reframe and recontextualize my argument, to address some criticisms, and to indicate how the argument of Fall connects with (and is expanded) in the trajectory of my later work. In addition to beefing up and updating the footnotes, the new edition includes an entirely new Introduction ("Reconsiderations") and adds a final chapter ("Limited Inc/arnation: From Creation to Ecclesia") that, I believe, clarifies what was a fundamental ambiguity in the first edition.
A release date of spring 2012 is projected for this project.